
Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Sorry, Scotty 

According to David Kay, the predictions of infamous inspector Scott Ritter may have been right after all.

Back in fall 2002, the former weapons inspector / Marine / pedophile declared that Iraq was "90 to 95 percent disarmed." At the same time, David Kay was saying that Iraq possessed chemical weapons and was prepared to use them. Of course, the majority of U.S. and British intel up to that point supported Mr. Kay. Now it looks like he's whistling the same tune as "Baghdad Scott" Ritter.

I still suspect that Scud missiles and some other nasty weapons were whisked away to Syria, but the reports of huge WMD stocks never materialized. The utmost priority should be placed on why we came to the conclusions we did in the early 90's and whether it was all a counter-intelligence operation run by the Iraqis. I still hold David Kay in the highest regard as an excellent investigator and a man of integrity. Unfortunately, I also find myself owing a huge apology to Scott Ritter and Hans "Inspector Clouseau" Blix.

Monday, January 26, 2004

I'm surprised that so many people around me have never seen or heard of a nectarine before. They haven't lived until they've sunk their teeth into the soft, juicy, sweet tissue of a nectarine.

If you're one of the unacquainted who doesn't know what I'm talking about, a nectarine is a smooth, hairless peach. Here's a good analogy:

Peach is to nectarine as hairy French woman is to clean-shaven American woman.

More Wesley Clark idiocy:

"I think all Americans - and this is a joke! - all Americans, even if they're from the South and 'stupid,' should be represented."

The quote also explains why these liberal northeasterners (Kerry and Dean in particular) are vulnerable to John Edwards and even Al Sharpton in the south. There's a huge disconnect between blue-collar southerners and northeastern aristocrats.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Wesley Clark Wisdom 

Why is everybody saying that Wesley Clark is so smart? It seems like everything that comes out of his mouth happens to bypass his brain on the way out. 'If I were president, there would be no 9-11.' 'George Bush was too worried about missile defense to realize that terrorism was the greatest threat to this country.' He even said that some terrorists are motivated by sexual frustration. Well, Mr. Clark, if sexual frustration creates terrorists, then why haven't any Riddle pilots crashed their planes into buildings?

The Saga Begins 

Hey hey, I have a blog now. I guess that www.geocities.com/conservativecorner and www.geocities.com/impossiblescissors were proto-blogs, and I will keep them maintained. But the new blog will be all about spontanaity.

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